33 Central School Home

Student Citizenship Awards Featured Photo

Student Citizenship Awards

Apply by April 15/25 for citizenship awards being offered by Public Schools of Saskatchewan ...... three $1,000 awards for grades 1-8 and three $1,000 awards for grades 9-12. Click the title to access the application form.
Mental Health Matters Featured Photo

Mental Health Matters

We are deeply saddened by recent tragic deaths which have affected individuals, families and communities across the southeast. In difficult times such as these, the strength of our unity, compassion and understanding is crucial to support each other. We encourage anyone struggling with grief, loss, or mental health to reach out to friends, family, neighbours and support services – know that you are not alone. (click the title for resources)
school nutrition challenge

2025 Mosaic School Nutrition Challenge (Application deadline March 31)

Win $15,000 for your school! The Saskatchewan School Boards Association and The Mosaic Company are pleased to announce that the Mosaic School Nutrition Challenge is now open to all Saskatchewan schools. The Mosaic Challenge encourages grassroots initiatives to promote student nutrition and healthier school environments through nutrition-related activities and programming. Ten successful applicant schools will be selected to receive funding amounts of $15,000 each for a total of $150,000 in funding. Click the title to access further information and to apply.
We're Hiring Caretakers! Featured Photo

We're Hiring Caretakers!

We're hiring Caretakers in all areas of the Division! This position provides a competitive wage, benefits, and great hours. No experience necessary! Click the title for more information and application details.

School & Division News


Mental Health Matters

We are deeply saddened by recent tragic deaths which have affected individuals, families and communities across the southeast. In difficult times such as these, the strength of our unity, compassion and understanding is crucial to support each other. We encourage anyone struggling with grief, loss, or mental health to reach out to friends, family, neighbours and support services – know that you are not alone.

School Calendar

Principal's Message

Welcome to "33" Central!
We are the home of the FALCONS. Our staff, students and school community are proud to accept our responsibility as FALCONS:
We are thoughtful of the needs of others.
We include everyone.
We see the best in each other. 

We take responsibility for our actions and belongings.
We solve problems in a calm and respectful manner.
We think before we act.

We are positive role models..
We are trustworthy and dependable
We follow school procedures.

We show compassion and empathy.
We use kind words towards ourselves and others.
We look out for one another.

We strive for excellence at all times.
We model sportsmanship, humility and poise.
We are life-long learners capable of meeting any challenge.

We are an important part of our school community.
We participate and honour our commitments.
We have unique talents and skills necessary to this world.

We support learning by being punctual and prepared.
We help one another and ask for help when we need it.
We respect diversity and accept others as they are.